The truth is black or white. There are no gray areas. It either is or it isn't. Statements and actions can't be partially true. Whenever any part of a statement is untrue, that makes the entire statement untrue. If you're not telling the whole truth, you're lying. Bottom line. At least from my window into the world. Consider this: a man with a gambling addiction tells his wife that he's going over to a friend's house to watch the ball game with a bunch of friends. He does indeed go and watch the game, but at the same time, he indulges in a few hands of Poker and loses a couple hundred dollars. It is true that he went to a friend's and watched a game. But the truth falls apart when his real motive is revealed. His intent was to play Poker; to gamble. In essence, he lied. Regardless of the fact that he actually did what he said he was going to do, the moti...
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