When I've had to train in difficult environments, I've heard participants denigrate their superiors and the culture of the organization. There's usually a lot of animosity that's piled up over the course of years, and employees don't mind expressing their dissent. In fact, dissent and disparagement are the course of conversation for the day--until I have to shut it down. I've found that some people just like to complain. They stay in problem mode. They say things like, "That'll never work. They don't listen to us. They don't do what we ask. We don't trust anything they say." And on and on it goes. They contribute only to the negative aspects of the feedback and rarely to anything that yields solutions. If solutions are proposed, they dismiss them with more derogatory talk. I've come to learn over the years in dealing with conflict that disagreements devolve into endless bickering beca...
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