If anyone ever doubted the magnitude of words, this week's dramatic event that played out in a lengthy 911 call confirms that words are powerful weapons for justice. Antoinette Tuff is a school bookkeeper at a charter school in Decatur, GA. When faced with a mentally unstable gunman toting 500 rounds of ammunition and an AK47 that he actually used on occasion (fortunately without hurting anyone), she used words of compassion, healing, empathy, and love. The greatest of these was love. Too often when given the opportunity, we overlook the chance to speak love to others. We may find it awkward when dealing with people other than our family members. And yes, it is hard to love those who seem unlovable. I'm not suggesting you go around to your co-workers and start saying wonderful things you don't mean. You ought to always be authentic. To be disingenuous will be very clear to those who can spot a fake. Bu...
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